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The National Policy Statement for Freshwater Management (NPSFM 2020) sets the direction on how freshwater should be managed in New Zealand. We have been working with our mana whenua partners, stakeholders and communities to create a greater water future for Auckland.
We would like to hear your views on freshwater management in Auckland and in your local areas, specifically how you value our freshwater bodies, what your concerns are, and what do you want our freshwater to be like in the future. Your feedback will inform changes to the Auckland Unitary Plan to give full effect to the NPSFM.
Consultation is open until 17 July, 5pm.
* freshwater body means: rivers, streams, creeks, lakes, wetlands, aquifers, and springs
You can use these pins to share your views on freshwater.
Further feedback can be made by filling in the feedback form
You can also share your feedback by filling in the feedback form, just click here to complete your feedback form.
You may contact us if you have any questions on this engagement or on how to use Social Pinpoint, our email is: